Thursday, April 3, 2008

Gecko Fight!

You never know what you may see next here. As I was going down the stairs one morning, these two male geckos were facing off against each other on the railing...obviously a territorial issue. I ran up to get my camera and started shooting, but there was no rush. These two kept at it for almost half-an-hour. Ultimately, each went his own way with no apparent damage done.

Again, I'll provide a link to my web album site which seems to handle these multiple images the best. Just click on the photo...when the album comes up, click on "Slideshow."

Gecko Fight

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dear Katie & David,
My wife and I have truly appreciated all of your posts. It's been a tremendous help to us as we pursue a similar path. Thank you so much for chronicling all the details of your home building experience. We continue to check in from time to time, so please do continue to post on your new life in Hawaii.
Blessings to you,