Thursday, April 3, 2008

Gecko Fight!

You never know what you may see next here. As I was going down the stairs one morning, these two male geckos were facing off against each other on the railing...obviously a territorial issue. I ran up to get my camera and started shooting, but there was no rush. These two kept at it for almost half-an-hour. Ultimately, each went his own way with no apparent damage done.

Again, I'll provide a link to my web album site which seems to handle these multiple images the best. Just click on the photo...when the album comes up, click on "Slideshow."

Gecko Fight

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Humpback Whales

These photos were taken some weeks ago during a trip to Hawaii Volcanoes National Park. At the end of Chain of Craters Drive near the coast, this cow and calf were just offshore. I have heard some opinions that this "tail bashing" is either to communicate with the calf...or to ward off would-be threats. In any event, it was quite a show!


I'o - The Hawaiian Hawk

It is amazing to see how quickly Nature starts to reclaim her own. We have been on-site for just five in the house full-time for just three months...and we are witness to many signs that we are being "assimilated." From new sprouts of hapu'u tree ferns to flocks of birds at our feeder and geckos on our lanai, we are surrounded by the rain forest re-asserting its authority.

One of the most thrilling examples has been the presence of Hawaiian hawks known locally as I'o. While the adult pair has been our very noisy neighbors since Day 1, an immature (but very large) hawk has become bolder and bolder over the past few weeks. I have been lucky enough to have my camera nearby and have gotten some great shots just standing on the deck.

These hawks are endemic to Hawaii, meaning that they evolved here and are found nowhere else...quite a treat since there are so many instances of extinctions and exotics here. I will include one photo here, but invite you to visit our web album
Hawaiian Hawk (I'o)
to see more. Just click on the photo!