Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Halema'uma'u Eruption

Hawaii is the home to some of the world's most active volcanoes, and Madam Pele is doin' her thing! Since we arrived in October, 2007, we have been witness to several "plate-shakers" in the earthquake category; a new lava flow out of the eastern rift (which just reached the ocean a few weeks ago); and now there is a new eruption at Halema'uma'u Crater in the National Park. This was preceded by several weeks of very high sulfur dioxide levels and an explosion on March 19 that scattered rocks and lava over a 75-acre area. We had been walking along the crater rim less than two months ago!

Rather than post new photos of the eruption which I took today, I will provide a link to my web album on Google. http://picasaweb.google.com/moonoverhawaii/HalemaumauEruption
You can also see live webcam coverage at http://hvo.wr.usgs.gov/cam3/

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Our New Home

October 1, 2007
March 1, 2008

This is our new home as it appeared in early March after passing final inspection just four months after we started construction. Although the house is fully functional, much of the finish work will be done by us over the next few months...or years! Cabinetry, flooring, window treatments, and trim work head the list of "to do's." If you want to see the construction process in detail, go to http://www.moonoverhawaii.blogspot.com/

This blog will document some of the finish work, but will expand to include gardening, social and cultural activities, travels around the islands, amateur photography and slideshows, and comments and observations on living on the Big Island of Hawaii.
To get things started, I thought I would feature a short slide show of one of the first visitors to our new house. He arrived one afternoon while I was reading on the lanai. He is called the Gold Dust Day Gecko, and he signifies good luck for the homes he frequents. Different from most geckos, he is most active during the day, feeding on a variety of bugs and other pests.

Next....a close-up look at Hawaii's latest lava flow!